How to#
In here you will find recipes on how to use icclim to solve specific problems.
To grasp the basic usage of icclim, you may consider following Tutorials first. To find more in depth technical knowledge see References.
- Chunk data and parallelize computation
- Run our jupyter notebooks
- Compute ECA&D indices
- Compute Generic indices
- Count occurrences
- Sum
- Standard Deviation
- Average
- Maximum Consecutive Occurrences
- Sum of Spell Lengths
- Excess
- Deficit
- Fraction of Total
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Max of Rolling Sum
- Min of Rolling Sum
- Max of Rolling Average
- Min of Rolling Average
- Mean of difference
- Difference of extremes
- Difference of means
- Mean Of Absolute One Time Step Difference
- Use icclim through OCGIS
- Create customized indices (deprecated)
- Max of tas within the year
- Min of positive values within the year and the date of this minimum
- Mean of a selected period
- Number of days when tas < 15 degrees Celsius of each Autumn
- Percentage of days when tasmax > 80th pctl and at which date it happens
- Number of days when daily precipitation amount > 85th pctl
- Max number of consecutive days when tasmax >= 25 degrees Celsius + date of the events
- Max of sum of precipitation in 10 consecutive days
- Min of mean of tasmin in 7 consecutive days + date of the events
- Anomaly of tasmax between 2 period of 30 years
- Number of days when tasmin >= 10 degrees Celsius and tasmax > 25 degrees Celsius
- Percentage of days when tasmin >= 10 degrees Celsius and tasmax > 90th pctl + date of the events
- Number of days when tas < 25th pctl and precip. > 75th pctl
- Number of days when tasmax > 90th pctl and tasmin >= 10 and precipitation < 30th pctl