Disambiguation on xclim and icclim#
At first glance it seems xclim and icclim serve the same purpose but their differences are in the details. With version 5 of icclim, xclim became a building block of icclim. xclim handles some of the core features, notably the calculation of climate indices. icclim also make use of xclim capabilities to handle i/o units and to check input data and metadata validity.
While developing icclim v5, we tried to integrate all relevant features directly in xclim. This is for example the case for the bootstrapping of percentiles, which is a key feature of icclim and its development was a collaborative work from both parties. This way, xclim gains new features and users and icclim can rely on all the efforts that was already put into xclim. We also benefits from the knowledge of xclim developers thanks to code reviews and discussions on their repository.
This joint effort helped tremendously to create what icclim is today and we believe it strengthens the collaborative ecosystem of geo sciences.
On the other side, we had to clarify what would be the purpose of icclim without its internal climate index computation feature. Thus, icclim is now a library which wraps index calculation in a familiar API while pre-processing inputs and decorates output with metadata.
Pre-processing includes:
Handling of multiple input formats (netcdf files, xarray.Dataset, text file (TBD))
Simple automated data chunking
Variable detection in input (based on the work done in clix-meta)
Wet day filtering for precipitation indices
Simple unit handling (rely on xclim pint registry)
Time sub-setting of data
Custom sampling frequency of output
Index configuration, such as threshold values or output unit
Output metadata includes:
provenance (TBD)
Beside, icclim v5 still provides a way to write user defined indices
using a simili JSON data structure (actually a python dictionary) with
. The output metadata is however not as
rich as with ECA&D indices.
One of the goal of icclim is also to provide an API which require zero
knowledge of xarray letting user new to python and its ecosystem
reliably compute climate indices. This is one of the reason why icclim
exposes a single entry point for all it’s features with
. It means users new to xarray might prefer icclim while
experts could find xclim more convenient.
xclim’ scope is larger than the one of icclim. xclim add metadata to the computed index in multiple languages (currently FR and EN), it computes many indices not part of the ECA&D specification, it provides biais adjustment and downscaling algorithms and is capable of detecting many common errors which can be found in netCDF files through health checks. All those features make xclim a very good tool by itself and we encourage the reader to check xclim documentation for more information on it’s features.
xclim provides a virtual module named icclim
which exposes in a
xclim style the ECA&D indices that were historically provided by
icclim. But this module does not use our library icclim directly,
otherwise we would have a weird circular dependency.
We are very grateful for the work done on xclim and we hope to continue the collaboration while both libraries grow in users and maturity.