.. _ecad_functions_api: ############### ECA&D indices ############### icclim 5.2 comes with convenience functions to call each individual index from `icclim` namespace. These functions are autogenerated and are stored in `_generated/_ecad.py`. Additionally, user custom indices can be called with the `icclim.custom_index`. For example to use this new API with the index `su` you can do: .. code:: python import glob import icclim tasmax = glob.glob("netcdf_files/tasmax*.nc") # Old API # via icclim::index summer_days = icclim.index(in_files=tasmax, index_name="SU") # via a custom index (output metadata will be different) summer_days = icclim.custom_index( {"calc_operation": "nb_events", "logical_operation": "gt", "thresh": 25, }, in_files=tasmax, ) # New API ## via the ECAD module summer_days = icclim.ecad.su(in_files=tasmax) ## via generic indices (output metadata will be different) summer_days = icclim.count_occurrences(tasmax, threshold="> 25 °C") The full API is now here :ref:`ecad api`.