Source code for icclim._core.generic.indicator

"""Contain the GenericIndicator class."""

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import reduce
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from jinja2 import Environment
from pint import DefinitionSyntaxError, UndefinedUnitError
from xarray import DataArray
from xclim.core.calendar import select_time
from xclim.core.cfchecks import cfcheck_from_name
from xclim.core.datachecks import check_freq
from xclim.core.options import MISSING_METHODS, MISSING_OPTIONS, OPTIONS
from xclim.core.units import (
from xclim.core.units import units as xc_units

from icclim._core.climate_variable import must_run_bootstrap
from icclim._core.constants import (
from icclim._core.generic.generic_templates import INDICATORS_TEMPLATES_EN
from icclim._core.model.indicator import Indicator
from icclim.exception import InvalidIcclimArgumentError

    import jinja2

    from icclim._core.climate_variable import ClimateVariable
    from icclim._core.model.index_config import IndexConfig
    from icclim._core.model.indicator import MissingMethodLike
    from icclim.frequency import Frequency

jinja_env = Environment(autoescape=True)

[docs] class GenericIndicator(Indicator): """ GenericIndicator are climate indicators wich are not specific to a particular domain. They can be computed from any climate variable and are combined with `Threshold` objects to create personalized indicators. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the indicator. process: Callable[..., DataArray] The function that processes the indicator. definition: str The definition of the indicator. check_vars: Callable[[list[ClimateVariable], GenericIndicator], None], optional A function that checks if the variables meet the indicator requirements. Defaults to None. sampling_methods: list[str], optional A list of sampling methods that can be used with the indicator. Defaults to None. missing: str, optional The method for handling missing values. Defaults to "from_context". missing_options: dict, optional Additional options for handling missing values. Defaults to None. qualifiers: tuple, optional Additional qualifiers for the indicator. Defaults to (). Attributes ---------- missing: str The method for handling missing values. missing_options: dict | None Additional options for handling missing values. """ # noqa: E501
[docs] missing: str
[docs] missing_options: dict | None
def __init__( self, name: str, process: Callable[..., DataArray], definition: str, check_vars: ( Callable[[list[ClimateVariable], GenericIndicator], None] | None ) = None, sampling_methods: list[str] | None = None, missing: str = "from_context", missing_options: dict | None = None, qualifiers: tuple = (), ) -> None: """ Initialize a GenericIndicator object. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the indicator. process : Callable[..., DataArray] The processing function of the indicator. definition : str A definition for the indicator. check_vars : Callable[[list[ClimateVariable], GenericIndicator], None] | None, optional A function that checks the variables used by the indicator, by default None. sampling_methods : list[str] | None, optional The sampling methods used by the indicator, by default None. missing : str, optional The method for handling missing values, by default "from_context". missing_options : Any, optional The options for handling missing values, by default None. qualifiers : tuple, optional The qualifiers for the indicator, by default (). Raises ------ ValueError If `missing_options` is set with `missing` method being from context. Notes ----- See the `GenericIndicatorRegistry` class for a list of available indicators. Examples -------- >>> from icclim.generic_indices import GenericIndicator >>> def process(climate_vars, resample_freq): ... out = climate_vars[0].studied_data + climate_vars[1].studied_data ... out.resample(time=resample_freq).mean() ... return out >>> def check_vars(climate_vars, indicator): ... if len(climate_vars) != 2: ... raise ValueError( ... "This indicator requires exactly 2 climate variables." ... ) >>> indicator = GenericIndicator( ... name="test", ... process=process, ... definition="This is a test indicator", ... check_vars=check_vars, ... sampling_methods=["daily"], ... missing="skip", ... missing_options=None, ... qualifiers=(), ... ) """ # noqa: E501 super().__init__() self.missing_options = missing_options self.missing = missing if self.missing == "from_context" and self.missing_options is not None: err = ( "Cannot set `missing_options` with `missing` method being from context." ) raise ValueError(err) missing_method: MissingMethodLike = MISSING_METHODS[self.missing] self._missing = missing_method.execute if self.missing_options: missing_method.validate(**self.missing_options) en_indicator_templates = deepcopy(INDICATORS_TEMPLATES_EN[name]) = name self.process = process self.standard_name = en_indicator_templates["standard_name"] self.cell_methods = en_indicator_templates["cell_methods"] self.long_name = en_indicator_templates["long_name"] self.check_vars = check_vars self.definition = definition self.qualifiers = qualifiers self.sampling_methods = ( sampling_methods if sampling_methods is not None else [RESAMPLE_METHOD] )
[docs] def preprocess( self, climate_vars: list[ClimateVariable], jinja_scope: dict[str, Any], output_frequency: Frequency, src_freq: Frequency, output_unit: str | None, coef: float | None, sampling_method: str, ) -> list[ClimateVariable]: """ Preprocesses the climate variables before computing the indicator. Parameters ---------- climate_vars : list[ClimateVariable] The list of climate variables to be preprocessed. jinja_scope : dict[str, Any] The Jinja scope used for formatting the template. output_frequency : Frequency The desired frequency of the output. src_freq : Frequency The source frequency of the climate variables. output_unit : str | None The desired output unit of the indicator. If None, no unit conversion is performed. coef : float | None The coefficient to multiply the climate variable data with. If None, no multiplication is performed. sampling_method : str The sampling method used for some specific indicators. See `difference_of_means` for example. Returns ------- list[ClimateVariable] The preprocessed climate variables. """ self._check_for_invalid_setup(climate_vars, sampling_method) if output_unit is not None: if _is_amount_unit(output_unit): climate_vars = _convert_rates_to_amounts( climate_vars=climate_vars, output_unit=output_unit, ) elif _is_a_diff_indicator(self) and output_unit != "%": # [gh:255] Indicators computing the difference between two # variables must first convert the units of input variables # to the expected output unit in order to avoid converting # the output of the difference. # This is because a difference of relative units is not equivalent # to a difference of absolute on scale units. # In other words: a 15 Kelvin difference *is* equivalent # to a 15 degC difference, but if we would convert the unit after # computing the difference, we could get -258.15 degC from the # 15 Kelvin. for climate_var in climate_vars: climate_var.studied_data = convert_units_to( climate_var.studied_data, target=output_unit, ) if coef is not None: for climate_var in climate_vars: climate_var.studied_data = coef * climate_var.studied_data if output_frequency.indexer: for climate_var in climate_vars: climate_var.studied_data = select_time( climate_var.studied_data, **output_frequency.indexer, drop=True, ) _check_data(climate_vars, src_freq.pandas_freq) _check_cf(climate_vars) self._format_template(jinja_scope=jinja_scope) return climate_vars
[docs] def postprocess( self, result: DataArray, climate_vars: list[ClimateVariable], output_freq: str, src_freq: str, indexer: dict, out_unit: str | None, ) -> DataArray: """ Postprocesses the result of the indicator computation. Parameters ---------- result : DataArray The result of the indicator computation. climate_vars : list[ClimateVariable] The list of climate variables used for the computation. output_freq : str The desired output frequency of the postprocessed result. src_freq : str The source frequency of the input data. indexer : dict The indexer used to subset the input data. out_unit : str | None The desired output unit of the postprocessed result. If None, no unit conversion is performed. Returns ------- DataArray The postprocessed result. """ if out_unit is not None: result = convert_units_to(result, out_unit, context="hydro") if self.missing != "skip" and indexer is not None: # reference variable is a subset of the studied variable, # so no need to check it. das = filter(lambda cv: not cv.is_reference, climate_vars) das = (cv.studied_data for cv in das) das = list(das) if "time" in result.dims: result = self._handle_missing_values( resample_freq=output_freq, src_freq=src_freq, indexer=indexer, in_data=das, out_data=result, ) for prop in self.templated_properties: result.attrs[prop] = getattr(self, prop) result.attrs["history"] = "" return result
def __call__(self, config: IndexConfig) -> DataArray: """ Compute the indicator based on the given configuration. Parameters ---------- config : IndexConfig The configuration object containing the settings for computing the indicator. Returns ------- DataArray The computed indicator as a DataArray. """ src_freq = config.climate_variables[0].source_frequency base_jinja_scope = { "np": np, "enumerate": enumerate, "len": len, "output_freq": config.frequency, "source_freq": src_freq, } climate_vars_meta = _get_climate_vars_metadata( config.climate_variables, src_freq, base_jinja_scope, jinja_env, ) jinja_scope: dict[str, Any] = { "min_spell_length": config.min_spell_length, "rolling_window_width": config.rolling_window_width, "climate_vars": climate_vars_meta, "is_compared_to_reference": config.is_compared_to_reference, "reference_period": config.reference_period, } jinja_scope.update(base_jinja_scope) climate_vars = self.preprocess( climate_vars=config.climate_variables, jinja_scope=jinja_scope, output_frequency=config.frequency, src_freq=src_freq, output_unit=config.out_unit, coef=config.coef, sampling_method=config.sampling_method, ) result = self.process( climate_vars=climate_vars, resample_freq=config.frequency, min_spell_length=config.min_spell_length, rolling_window_width=config.rolling_window_width, group_by_freq=config.frequency.group_by_key, is_compared_to_reference=config.is_compared_to_reference, logical_link=config.logical_link, date_event=config.date_event,, to_percent=config.out_unit == "%", sampling_method=config.sampling_method, ) return self.postprocess( result, climate_vars=climate_vars, output_freq=config.frequency.pandas_freq, src_freq=src_freq.pandas_freq, indexer=config.frequency.indexer, out_unit=config.out_unit, ) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Check if two GenericIndicator objects are equal. Parameters ---------- other : Any The object to compare with. Returns ------- bool True if the two objects are equal, False otherwise. """ return ( isinstance(other, GenericIndicator) and self.long_name == other.long_name and self.standard_name == other.standard_name and self.process == other.process ) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return the name of the indicator. Returns ------- str The name of the indicator. """ return def _check_for_invalid_setup( self, climate_vars: list[ClimateVariable], sampling_method: str, ) -> None: if not _same_freq_for_all(climate_vars): msg = ( "All variables must have the same time frequency (for example daily) to" " be compared with each others, but this was not the case." ) raise InvalidIcclimArgumentError(msg) if sampling_method not in self.sampling_methods: msg = ( f"{} can only be computed with the following" f" sampling_method(s): {self.sampling_methods}" ) raise InvalidIcclimArgumentError(msg) if self.check_vars is not None: # Run indicator specific check method self.check_vars(climate_vars, self) def _format_template(self, jinja_scope: dict) -> None: for templated_property in self.templated_properties: template = jinja_env.from_string( getattr(self, templated_property), globals=jinja_scope, ) setattr(self, templated_property, template.render()) def _handle_missing_values( self, in_data: list[DataArray], resample_freq: str, src_freq: str, indexer: dict | None, out_data: DataArray, ) -> DataArray: options = self.missing_options or OPTIONS[MISSING_OPTIONS].get(self.missing, {}) # We flag periods according to the missing method. skip variables without a time # coordinate. missing_method: MissingMethodLike = MISSING_METHODS[self.missing] # typing miss = ( missing_method.execute(da, resample_freq, src_freq, options, indexer) for da in in_data if "time" in da.coords ) # Reduce by or and broadcast to ensure the same length in time # When indexing is used and there are no valid points in the last period, # mask will not include it mask = reduce(np.logical_or, miss) # typing if isinstance(mask, DataArray) and mask.time.size < out_data.time.size: mask = mask.reindex(time=out_data.time, fill_value=True) return out_data.where(~mask)
def _same_freq_for_all(climate_vars: list[ClimateVariable]) -> bool: if len(climate_vars) == 1: return True freqs = [xr.infer_freq(a.studied_data.time) for a in climate_vars] return all(x == freqs[0] for x in freqs[1:]) def _get_climate_vars_metadata( climate_vars: list[ClimateVariable], resample_freq: Frequency, jinja_scope: dict[str, Any], jinja_env: jinja2.Environment, ) -> list[dict[str, str]]: return [ c_var.build_indicator_metadata( resample_freq, must_run_bootstrap(c_var.studied_data, c_var.threshold), jinja_scope, jinja_env, ) for c_var in climate_vars ] def _convert_rates_to_amounts( climate_vars: list[ClimateVariable], output_unit: str ) -> list[ClimateVariable]: for climate_var in climate_vars: current_unit = climate_var.studied_data.attrs.get(UNITS_KEY, None) if current_unit is not None and not _is_amount_unit(current_unit): with xc_units.context("hydro"): climate_var.studied_data = rate2amount( climate_var.studied_data, out_units=output_unit, ) return climate_vars def _is_amount_unit(unit: str) -> bool: try: u = units2pint(unit) # turn a cf u return xc_units.Quantity(1, u).check("[length]") except (UndefinedUnitError, DefinitionSyntaxError): return False
[docs] def _check_cf(climate_vars: list[ClimateVariable]) -> None: """Compare metadata attributes to CF-Convention standards. Default cfchecks use the specifications in `xclim.core.utils.VARIABLES`, assuming the indicator's inputs are using the CMIP6/xclim variable names correctly. Variables absent from these default specs are silently ignored. When subclassing this method, use functions decorated using `xclim.core.options.cfcheck`. """ for da in climate_vars: with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): # Silently ignore unknown variables. cfcheck_from_name(str(, da)
def _check_data(climate_vars: list[ClimateVariable], src_freq: str) -> None: if src_freq is None: return for climate_var in climate_vars: da = climate_var.studied_data if "time" in da.coords and da.time.ndim == 1 and len(da.time) > 3: check_freq(da, src_freq, strict=True) def _is_a_diff_indicator(indicator: Indicator) -> bool: return "compute_diff" in indicator.qualifiers